How an ITP coach supports project management


3 Common Mistakes in IT Project Management.

#3 Management knows the team

The myth that an IT PM knows his project team is very common. But in today’s divers and globalized business world, team structures are changing more and more frequently.

The ITP coach is bridging communication barriers between management and team. The self-understanding of each team member creates team power and trust.

#2 Incentive boost success

If you want project members to perform better, you reward them. Right? But that’s not happening in most IT projects. If you’ve got an incentive designed to sharpen thinking and accelerate creativity, it does just the opposite. It dulls thinking and blocks creativity. For more information about this phenomenon you can enjoy the video on .

Misunderstandings can be eliminated by the neutral and holistic ITP coach network approach.

#1 Errors are part of the game

Is it normal that half of all projects fail, is this part of the development process? -> NO!!! -> WRONG!!!

An ITP coach can help project teams save significant amounts of money and time while sustaining the human motivation element.

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